Venue: ITAS VITTORIO EMANUELE II; Via C. Barbagallo, 32 , 80125 Napoli (NA) Date: 26/03/2024 Online Venue: Google Meet in case of questions to career ambassadors not physically present. Rosanna Napolano, Project Manager UNINA and Host presented a slideshow regarding the Chameleon project. Giulia Palumbo, CEO & founder of Double the media Agency showed a presentation regarding her life experience after highschool, her work experience a former employee, how and when she decided to found her agency, she said that her first goal was the digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises in the south of Italy, in particular in Campania, in fact the data she showed to the students explained that in detail: digitized businesses in Lombardia: 30.856, digitized businesses in Campania: 14.671. She spoke about all of the sacrifices of owning a business, it takes a lot of self-management both for her and for her employees and members of the enterprise. Dylan Ciorlano, business partner for Double the media Agency attended the meeting as well. The case study of Vintage and other was presented. Emanuel Villano, CEO of Vintage and other, provided a presentation regarding his sustainable business, the presentation was about the topics of sustainability, recycling, having international relationships with European customers, he provided information about wholesale, his customers in Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, France and Italy. Other topics provided: the quality of vintage clothing and natural fibers, customization of the piece of clothing, kilosale, how wholesale businesses are less public, his business’ services, their products being clothing, shoes and accessories in the vintage field, Vintage and others equipe composed by young and passionate people, who really value vintage culture and customization. Giada Gavasso, Communication Officer for DG ECHO, European Commission provided a brief video regarding her occupation. She Works as the official communicator of Emergency rectorate, she provides information regarding Emergencies, humanitarian help, occurring wars, she even spoke about the fact that all of the funds once destined to activities that once created a lot of emission of CO2 has been cut, therefore the solution they found was have a corresponded on site. Other topics touched were the use of meta and official website of the European commission, touching the main digital and transversal competences valued by Giada: flexibility and being able to learn quickly filtering and retrieving new data. Lisa Somma, host of the event for Vittorio Emanuele II shared with the student two different forms of data collection: one containing an activity, useful for students to really reflect on the competences CHAMELEON valued and to put themselves in the clothes of three different professions. The form contains a list of all of the competences and the following jobs o be enhanced and helped: Restaurant owner, Vintage re-seller, Social Media Manager. After that, a questionnaire was delivered via qr code and completed by student that had previously given their consent. For last, a session of debriefing, thanks and goodbyes ended the event. |