Chameleon AMBASSADORS Spain 2024
The participants were from two classes of the Mercé Rodoreda Institute for professional training (L´Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona). Two identical events were organized to match the schedule availability of the school.
Venue: CreaTIC Academy (c/ Roses 58, 08028 Barcelona SPAIN)
Online Venue: Google Meet for one of the Ambassadors during the second event
We share with you the stories of the three young entrepreneurs who are investing strengths and enthusiasm in sustainable employment:
Berta Julià Sala with Alted is revolutionising interior design with recycled materials and eco-friendly production process.
Elisa Erruz and Gerard López from “La chica del limón salva al gato” who are aiming to create long-lasting employment alongside personal well-being.
Carlos Martínez from Roombattle that exemplifies the competences needed from the young students to convert their passion into a sustainable project.
Our students in the co-creation workshops in Spain were inspired by their dedication and innovative approaches. These leaders are proof that the future of business is green!
Berta Julià Sala
Berta has a double Product Design degree from Barcelona School of Design and Engineering and Winchester School of Arts. She worked as a designer in various companies, in several countries before deciding to focus her efforts on her own initiative. In 2023 she opened Alted – a Barcelona-based company with the mission is to transform innovative and climate-positive materials into low-impact architectural products. Sustainability is at the basis of Alted. The products – a series of decorative panels – are produced from a carbon-negative board made of waste from the paper industry. Furthermore, Alted’s vision is to keep these materials always in circulation, never becoming waste again, but new products, and resources for new products. Berta is also proud that the whole production cycle of Alted lies within a 50 km distance – raw material production, design, and the final product are all close by thus minimising the transportation impact on pollution and climate change. Valuing sustainability was crucial in Berta’s decision to become an entrepreneur. In addition, she states she believes multiple competencies help her accomplish her goals, such as the flexibility in taking the right path, planning and organisation, the collaboration with others and the ability to search for information and advice. But maybe the most important one has been perseverance – believe in what you do and keep doing it well, as there are ups and downs on the road, but the result is worth the effort. Take a look at the wonderful sustainable designs at https://www.altedmaterials.com/ |
Elisa Erruz and Gerard López
Elisa and Gerard are the creators of “La chica del limón salva al gato” – an audiovisual production company. They believe in the power of storytelling and create cultural and artistic content through entertainment, fiction, and non-fiction intended for television and cinema. Gerard graduated in 2020 in Media Studies and Information Science from Universitat de Barcelona. He worked as a film director, screenwriter, documentalist, and producer in different tv programs realized on TV3, documentaries, and films. Now he is the executive producer and director in “La chica del limón salva al gato”. Elisa graduated in 2020 as Director of Photography (DOP) from the Higher School of Cinema and Audiovisuals of Catalonia (ESCAC). She has worked developing films as a director of photography and colorist. She made up the photography of Canta una doncella, a documentary awarded in Sheffield Doc Fest and selected in Malaga. Now she is the Executive producer, DOP and Colorist in “La chica del limón salva al gato”. Elisa and Gerard are now turning their ideas, talent and passion into a business opportunity with the guidance of Barcelona Activa incubation programme. They want to trigger a change in the society promoting critical minds, art, Catalan culture, and young talent. As Gerard stated, “the essence of great filmmaking lies in collaboration”. For them, creativity, motivation and enthusiasm are crucial to reach those new communication ways that will produce the societal impact they are aiming at. Look at the past productions and follow them in their next adventures at https://lachicadelimon.tv/ |
Carlos Bueno Martinez
Carlos is finalising a double degree program in Computer Science and Video Games at Tecnocampus (UPF). Together with three colleagues from the university, Carlos conceived the idea of a video game called “Roombattle”. In 2023, the demo version of the game was showcased at multiple gaming industry events, attracting interest from several key industry players. By 2024, the project had advanced past the pre-incubation phase and gained acceptance into the GameBCN and Barcelona Activa Incubator Hub. Currently, the team is working hard on concretizing its Business Plan, developing a working version and networking for collaborators and providers in order to launch the RoomBattle to the market in 2025. Additionally, Carlos and his team have also developed two other promising business ideas: a physical game involving Roombattle robots and a small RoomBattle toy along with its controlling mobile app (currently in a prototype phase). These ambitious young people are considering further possibilities, such as directing the Roombattle project toward mixed reality and augmented reality in the near future. Carlos acknowledges that his path as an entrepreneur up to date has not been an easy one. He states that the game industry has a closed nature (i.e. difficult entry of new players) and that the limited resources at his disposal has made it complicated to quickly advance. Despite these challenges, Carlos remains confident in his vision, thanks to perseverance, humour, and teamwork. He encourages young entrepreneurs to not only have a clear initial concept but also to actively seek validation for their ideas. Additionally, he encourages them to visualise other aspects that complement the idea to establish a robust business model. Check out the latest developments and news at https://dustgames.es/ |