Why Chameleon?

The project name comes from the chameleon metaphor: it summarizes what the project expects to promote in young people through the (tangible) tools developed. The chameleon is an animal with a degree of adaptability; it has stereoscopic vision, with a 360° angle that sees in all the directions to anticipate what will happen. Moreover, it could change its color on the spot where it is placed, coping with the rapid changes. Finally, it can climb and start its long tongue to catch new opportunities quickly.

Synergies between school education and innovation

CHAMELEON fosters synergies between school education and innovation, supporting career guidance in high school students and promoting new technologies as drivers of improvements of skills in career transition programs to be implemented in schools’ practices. The rationale is provided tools based on three pillars:

  • Digital transformation
  • Green & sustainability vision
  • Entrepreneurship approach.

CHAMELEON aims at modelling innovative strategies for young people in digital and sustainable ways.

Activity and results

CHAMELEON aims to contribute on the digital transformation on the school-to-work transition for promoting a new approach to future work for students. We will devolop a career roadmap by involving the final target as co-creators in dedicated national events. CHAMELEON will develop a MOOC aimed at the improvement of entrepreneurial, digital and sustainable skills. The voice of the target will be loud as game scenario creators. Finally, the project will disseminate the results along 3 international events.

CHAMELEON expects to enhance skills needed to respond to the challenges of a continuously changing environment. The tangible outcomes are:

  • A roadmap career guidance
  • CHAMELEON MOOC and co-created Serious Game
  • Guidelines for school education.

The main intangible outcomes are: contribution to the students’ skills and competence to face the labor market with a proactive approach, with a high ability to adaptation and contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

CHAMELEON is conceived as a response to ICT evolution and digitalization that, next to labor market issues and environmental challenges, represents a new challenge for adolescents choosing their careers pathways. Consistent with the horizontal priority “Addressing digital transformation through the development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity”, CHAMELEON addresses digital transformation by improving digital skills in high school to facilitate adolescents’ career pathway choices.

Technologies and high quality learning experiences

CHAMELEON will support the purposeful use of digital technologies in high schools, promoting high quality learning experiences by Massive Open Online Courses and the Serious Game. In addition, technologies will help develop digital transformation plans in education. Instead, consistent with the priority “Development of key competence” CHAMELEON aims to enhance digital, green and entrepreneurs’ skills that are a key competence for career sustainability. As early school leaving and NEET prevention, CHAMELEON aims to help transitions between different stages of education (high school-to-university) and/or school-to-work in line with the priority “Tackling learning disadvantage, early school leaving and low proficiency in basic skills”. CHAMELEON will focus on high school students providing skills that allow an adaptive choice of transition.

CHAMELEON tools (MOOC and Serious Game), enhancing digital, green and entrepreneurs’ skills, want concretely stimulate the resources necessary to face the environmental changes in an adaptive and sustainable way.

CHAMELEON proposes innovative practices to prepare learners to become true agents of change. Furthermore, the project aims to awareness-raising environmental challenges, driving adolescents towards sustainable careers. In this view, CHAMELEON provides a roadmap career orientation to be implemented in school practice to help adolescents build digital, inclusive and sustainable societies.