Chameleon Mooc design and implementation


●CHAMELEON also aims to impact the populations difficult to reach, such as migrants, thanks to the IASIS network. The MOOC allows overcoming geographical distances by being usable at a distance.

CHAMELEON MOOC will offer benefits to prevent future needs of distance learning, given its flexibility, it can be implemented in EU school practices to provide a school-to-work program.

This work package consists of a MOOC design and delivers learning skills and strategies for career guidance.

Specific objectives

This work package reaches these sub-objectives:

  1. To define a course syllabus
  2. To develop a set of MOOC Learning contents
  3. To deliver video contents
  4. To produce a MOOC in 5 languages (English, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, Greek)
  5. To integrate the MOOC with the serious games
  6. To present the MOOC platform to external users

The MOOC includes two-fold learning contents:

  • Training Modules and online materials (podcasts, videos, webinars) through collaborative construction functionalities, collaborative learning and communication, provided flexibly with participants’ contribution. The assessment of learners will be multi-faceted. Several contents will be co-created with students and teachers. Training Modules sequence a set of modules and define, for each of them, learning objectives, learning activities, pedagogical approach, learning contents and organizational aspects.
  • Corporate Storytelling created by young workers with innovative and sustainable
    careers. This part allows them to create a link between school and the world of work.
    Several contents will be co-created with students and young workers during the
    International Sustainability & Innovation Career Event.


The main result of this work package is the CHAMELEON MOOC.

MOOC is an open-access type of online course (Open), which provides for extensive participation via the web (Massive) based on the use of open educational materials (OERs).

The need starts from:

  • students’ compulsory internship in school-to-work alternate pathways
  • failure for the lack of contact with external institutions or practical problems (i.e., disability, concrete obstacles, global threats)
  • lack of a structured online alternative

The rationale for implementing the training model by the MOOC lies in its characteristics:

  • MOOC allows delivering high-quality learning content and can be implemented in school practices.
  • MOOC allows focusing on promoting autonomous, independent, and flexible learning
  • MOOC allows us to design new learning experiences based on the work package Roadmap career guidance in school education practice combining the opportunities presented by digital technologies (the same presented to students) with the flexibility of OER.

The Serious Game is embedded in the MOOC.

The use of e-learning is fundamental in providing a new way for school-to-work pathways, reaching more people and making it available as a freely accessible learning and assessment tool.