Specific objectives
WP2 is a roadmap of necessary skills for adolescents for career guidance in the current context: the skills are chosen to deal with future challenges and unpredictable situations through flexibility and full adaptability.
- To map and intercept the needs of high school students and the School Education sector as providers (teachers and school leaders) regarding useful skills in the current contest based on three validate EU frameworks. The key is the implementation of methodologies that lead young people to reflect on present and future challenges to be able to start building inclusive, digital, and sustainable societies;
- To co-design the integrated model with the real users in all the countries involved in the project: in WP2, the high school students and teachers will co-design the framework. The goal will be to collect the final users’ voices, with an assessment and a check if their beliefs, expectations and requirements are met.
- CHAMELEON’s general objective: the implementation of a training model of career guidance in the School Practice, this WP provides a solid framework, as a roadmap for adolescents that can guide towards innovative and sustainable careers and facilitate the transition between education systems (by hindering early school leaving) and between school and the world of work (by hindering the NEET phenomenon).
The result is a Roadmap career guidance in School Education practice, consisting of a training model based on three pillars:
- Digital transformation
- Green & sustainability vision
- Entrepreneurship approach
- DigComp for digital skills
- EU Competence Framework for Green Skills
- EntreComp for entrepreneurial skills
- the needs of the students about the mismatch between school and work
- the skills to be taught
- the pedagogical approaches and strategies employed
- the embedding of the serious game inside the training programme
- needs of the students
- needs related to the School Education as responsible for learning outcome
- skills improvement
- scientific motivations
- training definition for each skill
- assessment parameter for each skill